Los principios básicos de soltera quiero que estes pa mi mami

Los principios básicos de soltera quiero que estes pa mi mami

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El Estadio Deportivo Cali cobrará el partido de vuelta a los dos equipos vallecaucanos para definir un cupo a las semifinales

Deberíamos ser más como la mangosta y atacar la inicio de la cobra". En los conciertos, haciendo relato a esto, aparecía una proyección donde se mostraba cómo la mangosta derrotaba a la cobra. El video estaba dividido en dos secciones y terminaba al final del concierto con la Lema "Muerdan el pescuezo del odio. Maten a la asesinato".

Sometimes I look at my reflection and I see garbage and I guess I was worried about the size of my breasts for a long time but now I think I have finally reached an age where I have accepted myself for who I am.

Shakira has had a busy week taking her across three countries in less than a week, and there is still more travel on the horizon. After her surprise visit to Spain last Sunday to take her kids, Milan and Sasha to see their dad, her ex, Gerard Piqué, she returned to Miami three days later, where she was spotted enjoying a Miami Heat game.

Luego de un comunicado en su web oficial con el que la cómico de Waka Waka anunciaba el retraso de sus fechas a nivel mundial con motivo de la "demanda de las entradas", pero conocemos las próximas fechas con las que sus fans podrán ver a la colombiana sobre el escenario en Estados Unidos y Canadá.

Shakira es un cuántos años cumple shakira ayer y un posteriormente para la música latinoamericana. Repasamos la carrera e historia de la cantante colombiana.

Shakira appears to spend the most time with her brother, Tonino, who is 10 years her senior. He has supported her personally through every stage of her fame and worked with her professionally Ganador the road manager for her Dorado World Tour

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El próximo 21 de febrero, el estadio metropolitano Roberto Meléndez cobrará a su hija. Hay que tener en cuenta que esta era la plazo innovador de su primer concierto en esa ciudad.

1. Paro de mineros y campesinos: seis departamentos tienen bloqueos y manifestantes hacen exigencias al Gobierno

In 2022, the singer’s father was hospitalized twice, first due to a severe fall that affected his hip and other parts of his body. During the second hospitalization, his family kept his diagnosis confidential.

Shakira began her musical career at the age of 12, quickly gaining attention for her unique voice and energetic performances. Her breakthrough came with the album "MTV Unplugged," which won the Grammy Award for Best Latin Pop Album in 2001, marking her rise to international prominence.

Her influence has transcended the boundaries of pop culture, that she has become a socio-political influencer, and was named Ganador one of the "World's Greatest Leaders" of 2017 by Fortune.[243] The Guardian has written an extensive article about Shakira's impact on Colombia's social change, specifically in education, and her ability to discuss this issue with world leaders like Barack Obama, and Gordon Brown.

It was also reported that Shakira, who will be staying in an exclusive apartment near the hospital during these days, had traveled to Colombia with her two children just two weeks ago so that they could see their grandfather before his surgery. The presente surgery date coincided with the time the children were supposed to be with Piqué.

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